viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

The Ugly Duckling

            In a small garden were born six little ducklings, one of them, was so ugly because it was a big and gray duck.
 His mother, his brothers and all the animals that were living there hated the duck and he was treated very badly. One day he decided to escape form the garden. 

            He began to discover the forest and to meet the rest of the habitants inthe place, but he felt in the same way, rejected by the animals 
because of his ugliness.
 One day he saw a very beautiful swans in the lake and he suddenly wanted to call them and swim with them, but he felt afraid of being rejected one more time and so he didn't do it. 

             He spent a horrible winter trying to survive in the cold forest, but when spring came, the duck returned to the lake and he met with the swans again. But when he saw his reflection in the water he discovered he was the most beautiful swan he had never seen. 
He felt excited with the others swans and never felt rejected again.

      We can see in this tale, in a lot of case we let ourselves be influenced by what we see at first, sometimes when we meet anybody, we think about him/her according to their physical or dress...and when you really know him, you can see how is he or she and you can really decide if you want to be her/his friend. 
And that, its really important, you should give everyone an opportunity to demonstrate their internal world before judge by her/his physical appearance.

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