jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

The Princess and the Pea

Once upon a time, there was a prince that wanted to get married, so he travelled all around the world looking for a girl. She couldn’t be an ordinary woman, she had to be a real princess. There were a lot of princesses, but it was difficult to find out if they had real blood.

He came back home sad and with little hope.
One evening, a terrible storm fell over the prince’s castle, there was thunder and lightning! But suddenly, while they were sleeping, someone knocked the castle gate.

With that answer they knew she was a real princess because she had felt the pea through the twenty mattresses. And nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that.

Finally, the prince and the princess got married and the pea was taken to a museum.

The End

You can see this two videos reffering to the story, made film. They show one of the most important moments; she lies on the bed, and they discover she is a real princess!


Today we've learnt an original way of discovering a real princess!
Maybe your real love just appears when you're not lookig for it! so be ready and pay attention!

Hope you like the story of this capricious prince, and his special and sensitive princess.

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