sábado, 22 de enero de 2011


Once upon a time...
there was an unhappy young girl, because of her mother's death and her father's remarriage with an evil widow who had two doughters.

When his father died, Cinderella was considered a servant by her stepmother, and she was all the time dressing in rangs and her face stained because of the cinders.
                        That's why they called her "Cinderella".

One day, the Court was celebrating a ball for all ladies, in order to the Prince could find  a wife.

Obviously, Cinderella wasn't allowed to go. But suddenly, when she was crying, there was a burst of light, and a fairy appeared!
She told Cinderella she would help her to go.

With her magic wand, she put on a beautiful dress to Cinderella; then she turned a pumpkin into a coach and seven mice into white horses.
Now she could go!

The fairy warned Cinderella that she had to leave the ball at midnight  because at that time, the spell ended.

When she entered de ball, the Prince fell in love with her since the moment he saw her, so they danced togheter all evening.
But when Cinderella heard the strokes of midnight, she ran away and fortunatelly, she lost one of her glass slippers.

The Prince picked up her slipper and promissed that he wold married the girl who fitted that shoe.

After try the slipper on all the girls, it finally fitted on Cinderella's foot!

Therefore, the Prince and Cinderella got married, and finally lived happily ever after.

      THE END

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