viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Gloria Fuertes

Gloria Fuertes is one of our favorite poets who was a normal girl with a normal life, who she couldn't studied, because her parents hadn't money, so everythig that she knew about poetry, she learnt it by herself. 
We chose several poems from her book "Versos Fritos; Poesía para todos los días." 
Today we let's talk about "Chirivito"from

Chirivito "el Bajito" 
era el más alto
de todos los enanitos.

Su cabeza era un garbanzo
y sus piernas dos palillos
las orejas grandes, grandes
(como soplillos).

A Chirivito "el Bajito" 
un día le picó un mosquito,
se puso malo, le dio fiebre
y montado en una liebre
le llevaron al doctor.

El médico era una lenteja
y le dijo: -¿Por qué se queja
si sólo se le ha hinchado una oreja?

Haber matado al mosquito.
Y respondió Chirivito:
- Yo no mato a una mosquita
y menos mato a un mosquito
Yo soy enano,
en mi país de enanitos 
no hay venganzas ni rencores
con los que hacen delitos 
y hay paz doctora Lenteja,
metáselo en la cabeza 
y un poco en el corazón.

This poem talks about a little boy called "Chirivito" ha had a problem, a mosquito had bitten him, so he decided to go to the doctor, the doctor was a lentil and she said that he should have killed the mosquito, but he angrily responds he never kill nothing, because in his country there is no rancor or vengeance.
             With a irregular verses and a rhyming assonance, she got a musical poem, like a nursery rhyme. It's an easy poetry to read and it's funny for any child. 

1 comentario:

  1. When I was little, I would attend poetry contests and one of my favourite books (which I used for this purpose, by the way) was Gloria Fuerte's "Lo primero es lo primero... lo primero es el belén". She was a great woman and helped children grow up with a smile and the will to keep reading. Good job, girls!
