domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

Lucky Hans

Well, today we'll talk about the story of Lucky Hans. It's a sort tale  about a boy named Hans. Hans had spent a lifetime working for one man and one day told the man he wanted to go home with his family so the man gave him as a reward, piece of gold as big as his head.

On the way home, he met with a man who was riding on a horse and Hans offered the man to change the horse for the gold because he was very tired.
But when Hans wanted to go faster with the horse, he fall over his horse. So when Hans arrived at a farm he changed the horse for a cow because he wanted to drink a glass of milk.

But when he tried to cow milking, the Cow gives him a kick, so he changed the cow for a pig, and then for a goose and finally for a grinding machine, but when he returned to the way he found a source, and the machine, fall over the water, and  Hans felt so happy for be a man light and no load, so he returned home.

Story talks about consumerism that exists in society, such asobtaining objects makes people happy
And the story tells how Hans will be happier as he lost more weight, until he finally left with nothing.
What we are (is what matters) including our friends, our family ... and that is precisely that must give us happiness and not the material things.
Happiness should be what we are and not what we have.

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