domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Don Segundo

Let's talk about Gloria Fuertes' Poem!!
Today I would like to disscus about "Don Segundo"

-¡Tin, tin!
-Don segundo.

-Don segundo,
espere un segundo.
Me voy a lavar ,
me voy a peinar,
me voy a comer.
...(y si me como
no me verá usted).

Espere un segundo, 
Don segundo.
Me voy a duchar,
me voy a vestir,
me voy a calzar
me voy a estudiar.

Y don Segundo se cansó de
y se convirtió en una hora.

In my opinion this poem remember me, the puntuality!! Sometimes non-existent!
Like in the poem, it sais, "give me a second" but it needs "one hour".
It's so fun, I think that all Gloria Fuertes' poem has a characteristic, surprise, because when you are reading it, you dont know how it will finish and what will happen.
I believe that if you anyday feel sad if you read this great poet you will feel better.
She is faboulus.